CEO letter clearing up consumer confusion

I created the senior care auditing service industry in Fall 2013 and launched Penrose Senior Care Auditors in February 2014 as the first to market company. In part, we evaluate the services provided by companies that have been providing certifications for senior care aides.

Rhonda HarperPenrose Senior Care Auditors hires part-time employees and requires them to pass our Penrose Senior Care Auditor Certification Program, after which they become PenroseCertified and allowed to audit seniors.

In May 2014, we began offering the PenroseCertified Senior Care Auditor Certification Program to independent individuals and to various businesses and organizations in order to expedite the growth of the service category and our business.  We began to put together our launch strategy for PenroseCertified for later in the year. And, we launched our Seal of Excellence at a national trade show.

Then, more than two months later, in late July, we learned that a company that certifies senior care aides had just entered the certified care auditor space for seniors. Confused consumers were calling us to find out if they could work for us if they were certified through the competitors site.

An individual unassociated with Penrose Senior Care Auditors purchased the other organization’s senior care auditor certification program (without any need for any background check) and shared it with me. I wanted to make sure that they hadn’t used our materials in their program as well. I learned the that in addition to plagiarizing portions of our copyrighted website content and marketing collateral word-for-word (in market since February 2014) they had also included it in their certification course e-text.

Within 48 hours we launched the PenroseCertified Senior Care Auditors website and ignored the competitors illegal efforts. However, the other organization started an illegal misrepresentation and slanderous campaign (blogs, calling partners, creating new blogs, social media statements, etc.) to try and discredit Penrose Senior Care Auditors, PenroseCertified, the Penrose Senior Care Auditors Seal of Excellence, and me personally.

While the competitor’s motives have been identified as clearly transparent by our friends, partners, and legal counsel, we are taking the illegal actions of this other organization seriously:  copyright infringement, defamation, and interference of business activity.

Please accept our sincerely apology for the confusion this situation has caused.

If you have any questions, please call me directly.


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